Historically first Czech sea-scouts sailing camp on Anna is done.
We were travelling almost 400 Nm. From Bergen to north throught Hjeltefjorden, than around Osteroy is. Than we were heading south to Bjornafjorden and in to the Hardangerfjorden and than back. We visited wooden boat center in Northeimsund and Fishermans museum and Coast cultur center in Sandviken. We were practicing sailing with historical rigging on Anna. Doing maintanance on boat, repairing old wooden dinghy and go rowing with her. Also we made training with survival suits. We ate well, sing a songs on guitar, svimming in the sea, picking mashrooms and fishing. And also enjoy this beautiful landscape. Thanks to Erik Clausen for grand tour in Sandviken. Thanks to Erik Sunde Apelthun for berth for Anna in Northeimsu
nd. Thanks to John Audun Hauge for his amazing show about his art objects. Thanks to Frode Hanuren from Haba sikkerhet in Bergen for providing big life raft.